HOD– Reman Kumar Bhargav


DESIGNATION– Asst. Professor

NAME– Dolamani Sadavarti


DESIGNATION– Guest Lecturer


NAME– Rakesh Kumar


DESIGNATION– Lecturer Through Janbhagidari


PO1: Student gain knowledge comparative anatomy of various organ system of vertebrate.

PO2: Students will understand the detail of the animal kingdom and the action in it.

PO3: Students will be able to tell the developmental process in organism.

PO4: Students will know about the environment in their lives and conserve the individuals by Making them aware.

PO5: Student gain practical knowledge in R.Bc,W.Bc conunting & blood group test in human being.

PO6: Student improve scientific knowledge in zoology with special evidence.

P07: Understand about various concept of cell, cell division ,cell organelles and non chordata.

PO8: Student gain practical knowledge (Dissection) in making clay modeling.

PO9: Students will develop interest and kindness towards organism.

PO10: Aplying the understanding zoology knowledge his own life and work.


(Cell Biology and Non-chordata)

CO1: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed The cell (Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic), Organization of Cell: Extra-nuclear and nuclear ,Plasma membrane, Mitochondria, Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi body, Ribosome.

CO2: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Cell division (Mitosis and Meiosis), An elementary idea of Cancer cells And Cell transformation, Immunity: Innate & Acquired Immunity, Lymphoid organs.

CO3: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed General characters and classification of Phylum Protozoa, Porifera, and Coelenterata up to order & type study – Paramecium, Sycon, Obelia.

CO4: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed General characters and classification of Phylum Platyhelminthes, Nemathelminthes, Annelida and Arthropoda up to order & type study – Fasciola, Ascaris, Pheretima, Palaemone.

CO5: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed General characters and classification of Phylum Mollusca and Echinodermata up to order & type study- Pila, Asterias (Starfish).


CO1: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Classification of hemichordata, Hemichordata :type study -Balanoglossus Classification upto orders, Protochordata :type study-Amphioxus, A coparative of petromyzon and myxine.

CO2: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Fishes-skin and scale, migration in fishes, parental care in fish, Amphibia-Parental care and neoteny Reptilia-Poisonous and non poisonous snakes, poison apparatus, snake venom and extinct reptiles.

CO3:The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Birds-Flight adaptation, migration and perching machanism, discuss -Birds are glorified reptiles , Mammals-Comparative account of prototheri, metatheria, eutheria and affinities aquatic mammals and their adaptation

CO4: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Fertilization, gametogenesis, structure of gamete and types of eggs cleavage, development of frog up to formation of three germ layers parthenogenesis.

CO5: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Embryonic induction, differentiation and regeneration, development of chick(A) up to formation of three germ layers, (B) Extra -Embryonic membranes placenta in mammals.


CO1: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Integument and it’s derivatives, function of skin epidermal derivatives( soft and hard) structure of scales, hair and feature, alimentary canal and digestive gland in vertebrates , respiratory organs (gill and lung), Air sac in bird.

CO2: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Endoskeleton A. Axil skeleton (Skull and vertebre) B. Appendicular skeleton -Limbs and girdles, Circulatory system -Evolution of heart and aortic arches, Uniogenital system-Kindey and excretory ducts

CO3: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Nervous system -General plan of brain and spinal cord, Ear and Eye -Structure and function , Gonads and genital ducts.

CO4: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Digestive and absorption of dietary components, Physiology of heart cardiac cycle and ECG, Blood regulation Respiration -Mechanism and control of breathing

CO5: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Excretion -Physilogy of Excretion, osmoregulation, Physiology of muscle contraction (Sliding theory of muscles contraction, molecular theory of muscle contraction ), Physiology of nerve impulse, Synaptic transmission.


CO1: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Structure and function of endocrine glands, Hormone receptor, Biosynthesis and secretion of thyroid, adrchal, Ovarian and testicular hormones, Endocrine disorder of pituitary, thyroid, adrenal and pancreas

CO2: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Reproductive cycle in vertebrate, Menstruation, lactation and pregnancy Mechanism of parturation, hormonal regulation of gametogenesis

CO3: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Evidences of organic evolution, Theories of organic evolution(Lamarckism and darwinism), Variation, mutation, isolation and natural selection, Evolution of horse

CO4: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Introduction of ethology:Branches and concept of ethology, Patterns of behaviour taxis, rellexes drives and stereotyped behaviour, Reproductive, hormones and behaviour

CO5: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Prawan culture, Sericulture, Apiculture, Pisciculture (Fish culture) poultry keeping, Element of pest control -1Chemical control , 2 Biological control.


CO1: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Aims and scopes of ecology,Major ecosystems of the world-Brief introduction,Population- Characteristics and regulation of densities,Communities and ecosystem,Bio-geo chemical cycles,Air & water pollution And Ecological succession.

CO2: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed the Laws of limiting factor, Food chain in fresh water ecosystem, Energy flow in ecosystem- Trophic levels, Conservation of natural resources, Environmental impact assessment, Conservation of natural resource and the lEnvironmental impact assessment.

CO3: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Definition and classification of Toxicants, Basic Concept of toxicology, Principal of systematic toxicology, Heavy metal Toxicity (Arsenic, Murcury, Lead, Cadmium), Animal poisons- snake venom, scorpion & bee poisoning.Food poisoning.
CO4: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed General and applied microbiology , Microbiology of domestic water and sewage, Microbiology of milk & Industrial microbiology fermentation process and production of penicillin.

CO5: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed introduction to pathogenic microorganisms, Ricketssia, Spirochaetes, AIDS and Typhoid and some parasite of human being.


CO1: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Mutation Gene and chromosomal mutation Human genetics chromosomal alteration: Down, Edward, Patau, Turner and Klinefelter, Syndrome Single gene disorders: Alkaptonuria, Phenylketonuria, Sickle cell anemia, albinism and colour.

CO2: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed General idea about pH & buffer, Transport across membrane: Diffusion and Osmosis , Active transport in mitochondria & endoplasmic reticulum, Enzymes-classification and Action.

CO3: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Amino acids & peptides- Basic structure & biological function Carbohydrates & its metabolism- Glycogenesis; Gluconeogenesis; Glycolysis, Glycogenolysis; Cosi-cycle.

CO4: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Application of Biotechnology, Recombinant DNA & Gene cloning, Cloned genes & other tools of biotechnology (Tissue culture, Hybridoma, Trasgenic Animals and Gene library)

CO5: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed the Principles & techniques about the faollowing:(i) pH meter (ii) Colorimeter (iii) Microscopy- Light microscopes: Compound, Phase contrast & Electron microscopes (iv) Centrifuge (v) Separation of biomolecules by chromatography.


PO1:Student will gain knowledge about invertebrates’ structure and function

PO2:Students will know about the various behaviour of animals.

PO3: Student will gain knowledge of mean ,mode, median, chi- square test etc. and use in their academics.

PO4: Students will know about the role of environment in their lives and encourage them to conserve the environment.

PO5: Understand about various concept of general and comparative endocrinology systems in Organism.

PO6: Student gain deeply knowledge in gamete biology and reproductive physiology in human being.

PO7: Understand about various concept of cell, cell cycle,cell organelles and cancer cell.

PO8: Student gain knowledge about tools and techniques (microscope, centrifuge, pH meter, colorimeter, Spectrophotometer) and uses in laboratory.

PO9: Student gain knowledge of comparative anatomy of various organ system of vertebrates.

PO10: Student will understand deeply study of immune system in humans.

PO11: Student gain knowledge of genes and evolutionary process in organism with suitable example and evidence.

PO12: Student gain knowledge of different kind of fishes and their structures.

PO12: Students will develop interest and kindness towards organism.

PO13:Aplying the understandings of zoological knowledge in their own life.



CO1: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed the origin of life Unicellular and multicelluar organism, body cavity coelom, acoelom, coelom, pseudocoelom, ultra structure of cilia and flagella.

CO2: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed respiratory organ gill, trachea and lung, physiology of respiratory pigment in invertebrates, filter feeding in – mollusca,polychaete, echinodermata., respiratory pigment in invertebrate.

CO3: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed higher invertebrates(nephridia,coxal gland, green gland) , mechanism of excretion. Primitive and advanced nervous system, torsion in Gastropoda.

CO4: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed invetebrate larval forms – trematode,Cestoda, crustaceans, mollusca, echinodermata and minor phyla organization and character of – ctenophora, rotifera, branchiopoda, acanthocephala.


CO1: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Introduction to ethology, history of ethology, ethology as brach and it’s significance , method of sudying behaviour, Antipredator defences, aggression and innate behaviour.

CO2: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed percepation of environment-mechanical, electrical, olfactory ,auditory, Communication -Visual , chemical, light, audio, evolution of songs.

CO3: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed social behaviour, aggregation-schooling in fishes, harding in animal, floking in birds, group selection-Kin selection, altruism, Reproductive behaviour-mating system ,courtship, sexual selection.

CO4: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Biological rhythms- circadian, and circannual rhythms migration of fishes and birds, larning and memory-conditioning, habituation, insight larning and reasoning.


CO1: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Matrices and vectors , exponential functions, collection and presentation of data, tabulation, diagrammatic and graphical presentation.

CO2: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed General ideal about normal, binominal and poisson diatribution, measures of central tendencies-Mean, median, mode, standard error, mean and standard deviation, Variance, hypothesis testing -t test, chisquare test, f test.

CO3: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed probability theory, distribution and their properties, correlation, regression, Analysis of variance.

CO4: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Types of models -statistical, empirical and mechanistic, simulation, properties of models-generality, precision and realiam, detailed treatment of model of cycling of nutrients in an ecosystem.


CO1: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Abiotic and biotic factors, edaphic factor, limiting factors, climatic factors, biogeochemical cycle,community structure, adaptation-Type of adaptation, level of adaptation ,significane of body size, , physiological adaptation to different environment.

CO2: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed exponential growth and logistic growth modal, life table, Net reproductive rate, Reproductive value, population regulation-Extrinsic and intrinsic machanism.

CO3: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Definition and type of polllution, biotic indicator of pollution , environmental and impact assessment, toxic chemicals, toxicity, green house gases, , ozone Depletion and environmental awareness.

CO4: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Basic concepts of stress and strain, adaptation, concept of homeostasis, physiological response to oxygen deficient stress, meditation, yoga and their effect,physiological response to body exercise.


CO1: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Discovery of hormones , Classification of endocrine gland and hormones, experimental method of hormones research, pituitry gland, thyroid gland, adrenal gland, gastrointestinal tract.

CO2: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed biosynthesis of hormones, biosynthesis of simple peptide hormones, biosynthesis of amino acid derived small size hormones, biosynthesis of steroid hormones, release of hormone form endocrine gland.

CO3:The students will be able to understand after this course is completed neuroendocrine system-type of neuro hormones, synthesis and function of endorphin, enkephaline, and hypothalnic hormones, pituitary hormone, adrenal hormone, thyroid and parathyroid hormones, gastrointestinal hormone.

CO4: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed hormonal regulation and its metabolic activity -Protein metabolism, calcium metabolic, fat metabolism, role of hormone in fasting, hormone and behaviour, role of hormone in growth and development.


CO1: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed structure , molecullar composition, and function of plasma membrane, specialization of plasma membrane, transport acrose cell membrane , diffusion, active transport and pump uniport simport, antiport.

CO2: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Microfilament and microtubules-structure and dynamic, role of microtubule in mitosis, cell movement, signal trasnduction mechanism, cilia and flagella.

CO3: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed cell cycle, cell- cell signalling general idea, cell -cell adhesion and communication , cell matrix and andhesion,-integrins and collagens, cell organelles-structure and function of mitochondia, ribosomeribosomes golgibodies, endoplasmic reticulum.

CO4: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Morphological and functional elements of eukaryotic chromosome, morphology of gaint chromosome, DNA structure replication and genetic codes, RNA structure , transcription and transposon, protein synthesis on free and bound.


CO1: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed chromosomal basis in sex differentiation, gonadal sex, brain sx diffentiation, adrenarche, pubarche and puberty, formation of ova, menstruation cycle.

CO2: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed anatomy physiology and morphology of male reproductive system, spermatogenesis and development of spermatozoa, biochemistry of semen, chemistry and biosynthesis of androgen, secretion transport and metabolism of testes hormone and secondary sex character.

CO3: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed female reproductive system (ovary, fallopian tube,uterus,oogenesis) , Iberian hormone – chemistry, biosynthesis,secretion, transport, function action and metabolism of estrogen progesterone and relaxing.

CO4: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed pre and post fertilization event, biochemistry of fertilization, role of hormone in parturition and lactation, formation and development of placenta and it’s endocrine function, hormonal and immune contraception.


CO1: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed pH meter, colorimeter, Spectrophotometer, ultra centrifuge, principle of light transmission, electron (SEM,TEM),phase contrast and fluorescence.

CO2: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed media preparation and sterilization, inoculation and growth monitoring, design and function of tissue culture in laboratory, cell harvesting method.

CO3: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed cryopreservation for cell tissue and organism, cryotechniques for light and electron microscopy, immunological technique for antigen antibody interaction agglutination and precipitation reaction,biosensor.

CO4: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed separation technique in biology – chromatography, electrophoresis ( paper and gel), centrifugation.


CO1: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed the origin of chordates – amphibia, reptiles, aves, mammal, classification of vertebrates up to order with example.

CO2: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed evolution of heart, evolution of aortic arches, vertebrate integument and it’s derivatives, structure and function skin and derivatives – gland,scale, horn, nail, hoof ,feathers and hair.

CO3: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed comparative account of digestive organ, respiratory organ and skeleton system.

CO4: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed comparative account of vertebrate – urinogenital system, brain and spinal cord. , Sensory receptor.


CO1: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed historical resume of systematics, important and application of biosystematics in biology, chemotaxonomy, cytotaxonomy, molecular taxonomy.

CO2: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed mechanism of speciation in panmctic and apomictic species, species concepts and species category, theories of biological Classification, taxonomic characters and different kinds.

CO3:The students will be able to understand after this course is completed taxonomic procedures, taxonomic key -different kinds of taxonomic keys, their merits and demerits ,process of typification and different zoological types, international code of zoological nomenclature.

CO4: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Types of biodiversity, hot spots of biodiversity, threat to biodiversity, conservation of biodiversity, shanon -Weiner index.


CO1: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed innate and acqured immunity, nature of immune response, antigenicity and immunogenicity, factor influencing immunogenicity, antigenic determinant epitope and paratope and cell and organ of immune system.

CO2: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed structure and function of antibody , immunoglobulin class and sub class, B cell activation, maturation, differentiation, T cell activation, maturation and differentiation.

CO3: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed complement system and it’s regulation, major and minor histocompatibility complex (structure, peptide interaction, susceptibility diseases) and hypersensitivity.

CO4: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed cleavage and it’s significance, tribulation and extension of the major organ forming area, development of primitive body form , histogenesis and the morphogenesis of the organ system( cardiovascular system and nervous system).


CO1: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed hardy Weinberg law of genetic equalibrium, natural selection, mutation, genetic drift, migration, meiotic drive.

CO2: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed model of speciation(allopatric, sympatric, parapatric) , pattern and mechanism of reproductive isolation, inbreeding depression and heterosis.

CO3: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed how to construct phylogenetic tree, amino acid sequence and phylogeny, gene evolution, origin of higher categories, macro and micro evolution.

CO4: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed the genetic structure of natural population, phenotypic variation, pattern of change in nucleotide and amino acid sequence, neutral theory and metapopulation.


CO1: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed central nervous system, grass anatomy of spinal cord, nerve endings (bio analyzers), the meninges, neurotrophin, cerebrospinal fluid and it’s function.

CO2: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed synapse- structure, properties, reputable mechanism, the cranial and spinal nerve, neurotransmitters- structure function and metabolism.

CO3: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed physiology of digestion of carbohydrates,fat, protein and nucleic acid, structure of heart and function, synthesis and composition of blood, blood group system and blood coagulation.

CO4: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed properties of skeletal smooth and cardiac muscles, theory and physiology of muscle contraction, physiology of liver for excretion, structure of kidney and it’s excretory physiology and formation of urine.


CO1: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed chemistry of water function and regulation of water balance, formation of monosaccharide (glucose) – linear form , ring form,howarth perspective form, metabolism of carbohydrates.

CO2: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed protein configuration- primary , secondary,tertiary,quaternary structure., Biosynthesis of amino acid structure and properties, macro and micro minerals.

CO3: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed chemistry of DNA and RNA, metabolism of nucleic acid, eicosonaids and vitamin( fat and Water soluble).

CO4: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed enzyme – nomenclature, classification , coenzyme and isoenzyme or isozymes and lysozyme, oxidative phosphorylation, utilization of krebs cycle.


CO1: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Origin and evolution of fishes, Classification of fishes as proposed by berg, fish Integument, locomotion, alimentary canal and digestion.

CO2: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed accessary respiratory organs, air bladder and it’s function, excretion and osmoregulation, acoustic lateral line system.

CO3: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed luminous organs, colouration in fishes, sound producing organ, deep sea adaption, hill stream adaptions.

CO4: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed migration in fishes, sexual cycle and fecundity, early development and hatching, poisonous fishes, parental care in fishes.


CO1: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Introduction, colouration in fishes common diseases of fishes and their care , economic value of fishes, fishes as human food, fish of cattle, fishmanure, fish glue and insinglass fish.

CO2: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed, fresh water fishes of chhattisgarh and their culture, maintenance of nursery rearing stocking ponds, marine fisheries -Deep sea, coastal and off shore fisheries riverine and cold water fisheries.

CO3: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed Distribution of reservoir fisheries, lake type, principle lake fisheries, esturine fisheries, fish farming, principal cultivable fishes.

CO4: The students will be able to understand after this course is completed larvivorious fishes, exotic and transplanted fishes, planktons it’s role in pollution of water and fisheries, preparation and maintenance of aquarium.